Aries Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility
Famous Aries-Sagittarius Couples: Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, William Macy and Felicity Hoffman, Kevin Federline and Britney Spears
This smokin’ hot combination has a theme song, “Don’t Fence Me In”. Sagittarius needs to run free while Aries needs the constant challenge of adventure and new territory to conquer. As a couple they prize freedom, good health, excitement, new things and experiences more than possessions. For example they may spend their discretionary income on long trips to foreign countries rather than tying themselves down to the obligations of home ownership. God forbid one of them should be stuck mowing the lawn every week. They may each pick a job that gives them the most annual paid vacation rather than trying to climb the ladder of success. They are likely to prize nature, animals, the outdoors and doin’ what comes naturally. Neither is big on long range planning, figuring if they take care of today, tomorrow will take care of itself. No doubt about it — the greatest passion they share is joie de vivre. When they come into work Monday morning they’ll always have an amazing answer to the proverbial question, “What’d ya do this weekend?”
How to Attract an Aries Man as a Sagittarius Woman: Be bold. Be dashing. Be yourself! Let him see how 1. busy and 2. friendly you are. Key him in to your favorite humanitarian Project du Jour. You’re “hard to get” so keep it that way. Laugh with him – out loud and uninhibited. Share your love of sporting events and activities. Let him know you expect to keep the good times rolling and – when if it gets boring, you’ll be elsewhere.
How to Attract a Sagittarius Woman as an Aries Man: She’s naturally attracted to your boldness and straight forward daring. Make it clear you 1. have a life and 2. don’ t need her. Laugh at timid souls while you describe your last three Grand Adventures. Stop by her office or desk uninvited. Get to know her sports buddies and colleagues. Say something outrageous just to see her laugh!
Degree of Romance: Romance is for pansies. These two prefer red blooded pursuit!
Degree of Passion: The passion they have is for being alive. They pour themselves 100% into everything they do. Along with Aries-Aquarius, they are the most vividly alive couple you will ever meet. People love to have you around as you are often the life of the party.
Degree of Friendship: They may be best buddies as well as lovers, sharing many common interests and hobbies. If you’re an Aries explorer who is tired of rappelling, white water rafting or parkouring by your independent lonesome, give a Sag gal a second glance. She’s probably good at at least one of those things and dying to learn the other two AND she won’t slow you down with a lot of hair and makeup prep time either. The two of you will always be on the run.
Degree of Marriage: This combination makes a great marriage, especially a second marriage when Aries has figured out that a heavy domestic agenda is killer.
Progression of Relationship: Just jump in and start swimming. You finally found someone as uninhibited as you are! Go for it. Throw all the rules out the window. Trust your intuition and good intentions. Start somewhere and gain momentum. Keep smiling. Life really can be this good.
Sex: They may just be perfect for one another, particularly as regards looking at sex as a sport. It’s also important when and where they do it. They’ve finally found someone as healthy, open minded and daring as they are — and a lot of fantasies stored up can be brought to life. Sex is always wholesome and good … no bargains no guilt trips, no holding back.
When It’s Over: Boo hoo but no hard feelings. Remember the good times and there were plenty. No matter how many years pass by, you’ll still always smile at the sound of his/her name. This is also the couple we vote most likely to have ex-sex. (Oh, heck, why not?)
Our Rating: 10 /10
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